Franz Schubert

Franz Schubert was given only thirty-one years to live, yet he might be the composer who has composed the largest number of imperishable works within the shortest period of time. Mostly, however, he did not receive any recognition; he was – with a few exceptions –  rejected by publishers, the jobs he had applied for were given to others and his efforts to conquer the theatres failed, too. 

Although two of his operas were performed on stage, then, after two performances, were cancelled from the theatre programme. On the other hand, he could rely on his friends, both on old and new ones; they helped him not only with music paper but also with housing, dinner and money, as well as trying to make Schubert’s work known in a wider circle. Scrimp success, frequent failure, more and more beer, more and more punch. If he could not pay, the host only asked him to quickly compose a song. And he did. At the corner of the table, within a few minutes. The audience will have the opportunity to listen to Schubert’s pieces on the solo recital by Balázs Fülei in the Vigadó on March 18th. 

Tickets and information

Cover Image: Franz Schubert


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