Béla Bartók and József Szigeti

During the first weeks of 2019 the audience will have the opportunity to see again the production by the Auer Trio and Géza Hegedűs D. titled “Foursome with Mendelssohn” made for the Jewish Art Days 2018, performed only once. This time the performance will be held on February 2nd in the Óbudai Társaskör. 

The production titled Viva Bartók! in the Radnóti Theatre will be played once this spring in the Bartók Memorial House, too. Also here, on March 25th, on Béla Bartók’s birthday, a special concert will wait for the audience: Attila Falvay and Balázs Fülei will revive the concert given by Bartók and József Szigeti in Washington on April 13th, 1940. 

Cover Image: Béla Bartók and József Szigeti

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